Friday, January 30, 2009

If I had easy access to a helicopter, I'd fly to Colorado this weekend

We've been talking in my lit. class about release of energy and my professor mentioned listening to Beethoven's 5th Symphony as the mountains came into view from Kansas. I went to Colorado when I was a little kid. I think we drove, but I don't even remember. I remember someone threw up on the train up Pike's Peak and left the window open the whole time and I was very cold. I want to re-experience the mountains now that I can, maybe, actually appreciate them on some level. Any level at all.


Limitededition said...

I've been there twice in the past few years. Went to Pikes Peak both a car, so there was no vomiting.
Also, just downloaded the Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack.
Also, I'm too lazy to sign back in to my account because my password is always messed up.

Limitededition said...


shirah.e.foy said...

I used to be rather indifferent to mountains. Growing up on the west coast, it seemed like a mountain's only purpose was to obstruct our path to the other side, and of course, to make the roads windy and passengers carsick. I realized though, when I moved to the flatlands of Belgium, how much I really missed the mountains I grew up hating!

My parents came over and visited me during my Spring Break, and we took a three week road trip down through France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, and back up to Belgium. I will never forget the one morning I woke up in Kandersteg--we had been driving all night, and finally, around midnight we realized that the alps were not a good thing to traverse in the dark. So we stopped at the first little family hotel we came to; the next morning I woke up and was listening to Bach's Concerto #2.1 on my iPod, when I threw open the curtains to this....

And I've never looked at mountains the same ever since. :)

shirah.e.foy said...

I'm sorry...I thought you were somebody else. I have a friend Kate that has a very similar writing style. I just realized that I randomly posted on your blog and I don't even know you. So don't be creeped out-- simple mistake!

Have a nice day though :)