Monday, December 21, 2009

My Confessions

So, I was listening to Owl City today, and I want to tell you all... Damn, are they catchy. Like, seriously. It's ridiculous. I listen, I say things like, "wow, you are a whinier Postal Service with nonsensical lyrics." Then I start humming.
Normally I would put this on my Twitter, but I'm friends with people on the radio, and I am ashamed of this. Augh.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Arts I have recently perfected:
1. Ordering coffee and looking like I need it to survive the next five minutes/hour/day
2. Putting my hair up with a pen, pencil, chopstick, any sort of straight object
3. Making helpful playlists on Pandora
4. Pretending I'm working when really I'm doing crosswords
5. Finding books in the library

Success? Success.