Monday, December 21, 2009

My Confessions

So, I was listening to Owl City today, and I want to tell you all... Damn, are they catchy. Like, seriously. It's ridiculous. I listen, I say things like, "wow, you are a whinier Postal Service with nonsensical lyrics." Then I start humming.
Normally I would put this on my Twitter, but I'm friends with people on the radio, and I am ashamed of this. Augh.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Arts I have recently perfected:
1. Ordering coffee and looking like I need it to survive the next five minutes/hour/day
2. Putting my hair up with a pen, pencil, chopstick, any sort of straight object
3. Making helpful playlists on Pandora
4. Pretending I'm working when really I'm doing crosswords
5. Finding books in the library

Success? Success.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I've been getting headaches lately.
In other news, I whine way too damn much.
In other other news, when I originally wrote "much" up there I wrote music instead. and then I wrote "muuch" too too many times after that.
And my eye twitches.
See, I can't stop myself...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

So, some boys I know talk about putting "pussy on a pedestal" and I never really thought about it from the other side. How does the pussy feel? After utterly disappointing some young man, but not because she was wrong in anyway but because she wasn't perfect or the kind of perfect the young man wanted. That must suck.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I just want to roll so I can actually be happy at some point instead of mildly annoyed or fine all the time. I'm moving in moderations and speaking in extremes.
My constant battle seems to be the same as everyone else's: finding people I like, hanging out with them, finding a way to stay away from the people I don't like, finding a way not to dislike the people I like. Blech.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Things I am really into right now:
1. Tylonel Cold Daytime (Nightime sucks. Know this.)
2. Coffee
3. Frye Harness Boots
4. Peonies
5. Sweet Peas
6. Black
7. Seattle
8. Sea food

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm trying to start seeing my parents as people, not just voices running around saying crazy things.
Many questions are being asked, and I'm steeling myself for their answers.
Summer project!